
IQ-TREE Heterotachy pre-release

Aug 12, 2016 Announcement

We have released an IQ-TREE variant which implements a heterotachy mixture model accounting for heterotachous evolution — rate heterogeneity among sites and lineages. This version can be downloaded from here:

A user guide is available at

Please note that this is still a pre-release version — so suggestions and feedback are welcome!

IQ-TREE version 1.4.3

Jul 15, 2016 Release

This version fixes various problems improving software stability.

New features:

  • Better parameter estimates for I+G model.
  • More flexible mixture models for model testing with -madd option (requested by David Kerk).
  • The protein mixture model CF4 of Wang et al. (2008) now includes Gamma rate heterogeneity by default.
  • Support invariable sites plus FreeRate [+I+R] model (requested by Lars Jermiin).
  • New option --sequential to read sequential phylip alignment file format.

Bug fixes:

  • Failture too estimate too extreme GTR rate parameters (reported by Stephen Crotty).
  • Bug with likelihood scaling for constant sites under invariable site [+I] model (reported Remi Denise).
  • Crash with optimizing codon model parameters (reported by Xiaofan Zhou).
  • Redundant codon models for model selection (reported by Xiaofan Zhou).
  • Segfault caused by unaligned memory for partition model with binary data (reported by Marek L. Borowiec).
  • Crash with -wbtl option (reported by Teo).
  • Crash with -mtree for partition finding (reported by a web user).
  • A rare bug in NNI hill-climbing search.
  • A bug in printing .rate file via -wsr option (reported by Tim McInerney).
  • Several other minor issues.
Download latest version 1.4.3

Dominik's paper accepted at Journal of Theoretical Biology

Jun 29, 2016 Publication

D. Schrempf, B.Q. Minh, N. De Maio, A. von Haeseler, and C. Kosiol (2016) Reversible polymorphism-aware phylogenetic models and their application to tree inference. J. Theor. Biol., in press.

The associated IQ-TREE PoMo version and user guide are available at:


- Species tree inference from genome-wide population data.
- Takes incomplete lineage sorting into account.
- Analytical solution of stationary distribution and formal proof of reversibility.
- Reversibility ensures swiftness and stability.
- Increase of sample size per species improves estimations without raising runtime.
- Comparison to the Wright-Fisher diffusion. 

Abstract: We present a reversible Polymorphism-Aware Phylogenetic Model (revPoMo) for species tree estimation from genome-wide data. revPoMo enables the reconstruction of large scale species trees for many within-species samples. It expands the alphabet of DNA substitution models to include polymorphic states, thereby, naturally accounting for incomplete lineage sorting. We implemented revPoMo in the maximum likelihood software IQ-TREE. A simulation study and an application to great apes data show that the runtimes of our approach and standard substitution models are comparable but that revPoMo has much better accuracy in estimating trees, divergence times and mutation rates. The advantage of revPoMo is that an increase of sample size per species improves estimations but does not increase runtime. Therefore, revPoMo is a valuable tool with several applications, from speciation dating to species tree reconstruction.

IQ-TREE version 1.4.2

Apr 15, 2016 Release

New features:

  • Ability to draw all unique quartets for likelihood mapping with -lmap ALL option (requested by Karen Meusemann).

Bug fixes:

  • A rare bug in -m TESTMERGE when all partitions are merged into one (reported by Tan Mun Hua).
  • A segfault in -m TESTNEW for Windows version only (reported by Giorgio Matassi).
  • A rare crash with partition model parameter estimation.
  • A bug in parsing semi-empirical codon model name (reported by Xiaofan Zhou).
  • A rare crash when sequence names are IDs.
Download version 1.4.2 from GitHub

Olga's paper accepted at Systematic Biology

Apr 15, 2016 Publication

O. Chernomor, A. von Haeseler, and B.Q. Minh (2016) Terrace Aware Data Structure for Phylogenomic Inference from Supermatrices. Syst. Biol., 65, in press.

Abstract: In phylogenomics the analysis of concatenated gene alignments, the so-called supermatrix, is commonly accompanied by the assumption of partition models. Under such models each gene, or more generally partition, is allowed to evolve under its own evolutionary model. Although partition models provide a more comprehensive analysis of supermatrices, missing data may hamper the tree search algorithms due to the existence of phylogenetic (partial) terraces. Here, we introduce the phylogenetic terrace aware (PTA) data structure for the efficient analysis under partition models. In the presence of missing data PTA exploits (partial) terraces and induced partition trees to save computation time. We show that an implementation of PTA in IQ-TREE leads to a substantial speedup of up to 4.5 and 8 times compared with the standard IQ-TREE and RAxML implementations, respectively. PTA is generally applicable to all types of partition models and common topological rearrangements thus can be employed by all phylogenomic inference software.

Jana's paper accepted at Nucleic Acids Research

Apr 2, 2016 Publication

J. Trifinopoulos, L.-T. Nguyen, A. von Haeseler, and B.Q. Minh (2016) W-IQ-TREE: a fast online phylogenetic tool for maximum likelihood analysis. Nucleic Acids Res., 44, W232-W235.

The associated IQ-TREE web server is available at:

Abstract: This article presents W-IQ-TREE, an intuitive and user-friendly web interface and server for IQ-TREE, an efficient phylogenetic software for maximum likelihood analysis. W-IQ-TREE supports multiple sequence types (DNA, protein, codon, binary and morphology) in common alignment formats and a wide range of evolutionary models including mixture and partition models. W-IQ-TREE performs fast model selection, partition scheme finding, efficient tree reconstruction, ultrafast bootstrapping, branch tests, and tree topology tests. All computations are conducted on a dedicated computer cluster and the users receive the results via URL or email. W-IQ-TREE is available at It is free and open to all users and there is no login requirement.

IQ-TREE version 1.4.1

Mar 16, 2016 Release

Fix bugs introduced in 1.4.0:

  • A crash with checkpointing for -mtree option (reported by a web server user).
  • A crash with likelihood mapping for partition models with sparse supermatrix (reported by Harald Letsch).

New features:

  • Support cluster file (-lmclust) in RAxML-style format for likelihood mapping analysis.
  • Support alignments with >255 sequences for likelihood mapping analysis.
  • New option --opt-gamma-inv to optimize +I+G parameters thoroughly.
Download version 1.4.1 from GitHub

Tung's PhD defense

Mar 7, 2016 Phd dissertation

Congrats to Lam-Tung Nguyen! He just successfully defended his PhD dissertation today entitled:

Computational methods for fast and accurate phylogenetic inference

IQ-TREE version 1.4.0

Mar 4, 2016 Release

New features:

Bug fixes:

  • Fix a rare numerical issue when computing maximum likelihood distances for codon models (reported by Giap Nguyen)

Special thanks to Karen Meusemann and Giap Nguyen for testing the beta versions. Download version 1.4.0 from GitHub

IQTree vs RAxML for phylogenetic tree construction

Feb 12, 2016 Opinion

A user opinion on IQ-TREE:

The results look promising with tree topology, branch length, and support values showing broad correlation (see below for data). The fact that this is an actively developed piece of software, with good documentation and some good peer reviewed papers gives me confidence to try this for the next few phylogenetic analyses I need to run.

Read the original article here:

IQ-TREE version 1.3.13

Jan 28, 2016 Release

Bug fixes:

  • Fix a numerical underflow with ascertainment bias correction [+ASC] model for large data sets (reported by Alex Riedel)
Download version 1.3.13 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.3.12

Jan 19, 2016 Release

Bug fixes:

  • A crash when performing analysis on partitioning schemes produced by the k-means algorithm of PartitionFinder (reported by Pete Hosner). This is due to a partition containing only constant sites and the other partitions containing only variable sites. Such partitioning schemes are not recommended for phylogenetic analysis and users are advised to consult PartitionFinder author.

  • A crash with too high or too low rates for FreeRate model (reported by Hermes Escalona and Adrian Arellano Davin).

Download version 1.3.12 from GitHub

Olga's PhD defense

Dec 17, 2015 Phd dissertation

Congrats to Olga Chernomor! She just successfully defended her PhD dissertation today entitled:

Phylogenomics: theory, algorithms and applications

Also available at university library:

IQ-TREE version 1.3.11

Dec 10, 2015 Release

New features:

  • For long alignments (>100,000 sites) the minimal branch length is now reduced to 0.1/alignment_length to accommodate analysis of very closely related sequences (thanks to David Wyllie for testing).
  • New -blmin and -blmax option for min and max branch length (requested by Hang Phan).
  • New -wslm and -wslmr options to print site log-likelihood per mixture class and per mixture+rate category, respectively (requested by Huaichun Wang).
  • New --link-alpha option to link Gamma shape parameter (alpha) across partitions (requested by Huaichun Wang).

Bug fixes:

  • Numerical problems with +ASC model for protein data: disabled now by default (reported by several web server users and Lars Jermiin).
  • Fix a rare crash for option combination -z and -sp when changing to old kernel.
  • Fix a crash with multicore version with own parsimony kernel (reported by Joan).
  • Fix a minor issue when outputting mixture model name in model testing (reported by Sophie Abby).
  • Fix a numerical problem with model testing (reported by Jana).
  • For -t RANDOM initial model parameters will now be estimated on a parsimony tree (thanks to Jesse Breinholt for the report and suggestion).

Other changes:

  • Windows AVX version (reported by Aaron Dickey) crashed due to a stack unalignment issue of TDM-GCC compiler (thanks to Agner Fog for suggestion). As a solution, all Windows binaries are now built with Clang.
  • Updated the latest vectorclass library of Agner Fog.
  • Print error instead of abort when applying branch tests for multifurcating trees.
  • Implement EM algorithm for mixture+FreeRate model.
  • Accept ~ as an unknown character in the alignment.
  • Code optimization resulting in 5%-10% reduction in running time.
Download version 1.3.11 from GitHub

New IQ-TREE web site

Nov 19, 2015 Announcement

We are happy to announce the launch of the new IQ-TREE web site immediately available at the same URL:

Notably we updated extensive online user documentation for using IQ-TREE including quick start guide, tutorials, command reference, maximum likelihood models and compilation guide. This is to replace the outdated pdf manual.

The IQ-TREE source code is now hosted at github:

for developers’ convenience.

IQ-TREE version 1.3.10

Oct 16, 2015 Release

We are pleased to announce version 1.3.10 with following changes:

  • Support unlimited number of partitions for partition model analysis (no complaint about PLL_NUM_BRANCHES anymore).
  • Improved support for mixture models.
  • Fix a bug in ascertainment bias correction [+ASC] model causing incorrect branch length estimates (thanks to Marcus Teixeira for reporting it).
  • Fix a rare bug when branch lengths are close to upper bound (thanks to Huaichun Wang for reporting it).
Download version 1.3.10 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.3.9

Sep 29, 2015 Release

We are pleased to announce version 1.3.9 with following notable changes:

  • Several bug fixes improving software stability. Special thanks to Xiaofan, Karen Meusemann, Jozsef Bakonyi, Renee, Peter Hosner for reporting bugs.
  • A more stable expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is implemented to optimize parameters of the FreeRate [+R] and LG4X model. Special thanks to Edward Susko, Thomas Wong and Lars Jermiin.
  • Several new features (requested by users):
    • Option -wbtl to write bootstrap tree file (.ufboot) with branch lengths.
    • Option -madd to include mixture models into model selection procedure (e.g. -madd LG4M,LG4X).
    • Option -alrt 0 to perform the parametric approximate likelihood ratio (aLRT) branch test (Anisimova and Gascuel, 2006).
    • Option -abayes to perform the parametric aBayes branch test (Anisimova et al., 2011).
  • Maximum number of partitions is increased to 16384 instead of 1024.
Download version 1.3.9 from GitHub

Olga's paper accepted at Journal of Computational Biology

Aug 29, 2015 Publication

Congrats to Olga for an ultrafast acceptance of her paper (Chernomor et al., 2015) at Journal of Computational Biology. It was accepted just after 8 days of submission!

Abstract: In phylogenomic analysis the collection of trees with identical score (maximum likelihood or parsimony score) may hamper tree search algorithms. Such collections are coined phylogenetic terraces. For sparse supermatrices with a lot of missing data, the number of terraces and the number of trees on the terraces can be very large. If terraces are not taken into account, a lot of computation time might be unnecessarily spent to evaluate many trees that in fact have identical score. To save computation time during the tree search, it is worthwhile to quickly identify such cases. The score of a species tree is the sum of scores for all the so-called induced partition trees. Therefore, if the topological rearrangement applied to a species tree does not change the induced partition trees, the score of these partition trees is unchanged. Here, we provide the conditions under which the three most widely used topological rearrangements (nearest neighbor interchange, subtree pruning and regrafting, and tree bisection and reconnection) change the topologies of induced partition trees. During the tree search, these conditions allow us to quickly identify whether we can save computation time on the evaluation of newly encountered trees. We also introduce the concept of partial terraces and demonstrate that they occur more frequently than the original “full” terrace. Hence, partial terrace is the more important factor of timesaving compared to full terrace. Therefore, taking into account the above conditions and the partial terrace concept will help to speed up the tree search in phylogenomic inference.”

Further reading:

O. Chernomor, B.Q. Minh, and A. von Haeseler (2015) Consequences of Common Topological Rearrangements for Partition Trees in Phylogenomic Inference. J. Comput. Biol., in press. (DOI: 10.1089/cmb.2015.0146, PMID: 26448206)

IQ-TREE version 1.3.8

Aug 26, 2015 Release

  • Fix a bug introduced in 1.3.7 when using two options -m TEST (model testing) and -spp/-spj (edge-linked partition model) within one run.
Download version 1.3.8 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.3.7

Aug 23, 2015 Release

Version 1.3.7 is released with following changes:

  • Fix a bug introduced in 1.3.6 for new model selection procedure (-m TESTNEW).
  • Include L-BFGS-B algorithm (code taken from HAL_HAS package (Jayaswal et al., 2014) as the default to estimate model parameters. L-BFGS-B performs better than the previous BFGS implementation, for example, when optimizing LG4X and FreeRate models.
  • New option -suptag (used with -sup) when assigning support values from a set of input trees into a given tree, each tagged branch in the given tree will be assigned values of form support@tree1@tree2@...@treeK, corresponding to the IDs of the input tree where this branch occurs (requested by Max Maronna).
  • New option -t RANDOM to start tree search from a random starting tree (requested by Karen Meusemann).
Download version 1.3.7 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.3.6

Aug 15, 2015 Release

Version 1.3.6 is released with following substantial changes:

  • An expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is implemented to optimize weights of mixture models (thanks to Huaichun Wang, Andrew Roger, Edward Susko for reporting initial issue on local optimum and providing this solution). The EM algorithm guarantees convergence on global optimum (Wang et al., 2008).
  • Fix an issue in reading morphological alignments (thanks to Max Maronna for reporting this).
  • +I+G is added back into the candidate model list of new model selection procedure (-m TESTNEW).
  • The starting phase of tree search now includes a BIONJ into the candidate tree set, which is sometimes better than parsimony trees.
  • Building from source code now generates dynamically linked binary. To build static binary, run cmake with e.g. cmake -DIQTREE_FLAGS=static source_dir
Download version 1.3.6 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.3.5

Jul 24, 2015 Release

Version 1.3.5 is released with a few fixes (thanks to Lars Jermiin for finding two issues with model selection):

  • Thorough model selection (-mtree) now prints final tree corresponding to best-fit model.
  • Fix slightly decreasing log-likelihood for more complex models during new model selection (-m TESTNEW).
  • For bootstrap: .iqtree report file now includes log-likelihood of consensus tree and Robinson-Foulds distance between found ML tree and consensus tree.
Download version 1.3.5 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.3.4

Jul 10, 2015 Release

Version 1.3.4 is released with the following fixes:

  • Fix support for ascertainment bias correction [+ASC]
  • For codon models, the site ranges are now counted on number of nucleotides instead of number of codons. When DNA and codon data are mixed in partition model, branch lengths are now interpreted as #nucleotide substitutions per nucleotide site. Note that for codon data, branch lengths are #nucleotide substitutions per codon site like PAML.
  • Fix usage of -spp with -m TESTMERGE.
  • Fix ML optimization of amino-acid frequencies [+FO]. Fix memory deallocation when using -m TEST for Windows version.
Download version 1.3.4 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.3.3

Jun 27, 2015 Release

We are pleased to announce version 1.3.3 with substantial improvements:

  • Implement the relaxed clustering algorithm of PartitionFinder with -rcluster option to speed up analysis for data sets with many partitions (e.g., >100 partitions).
  • Partition finding supports multicore now with linear speedup.
  • Increased multicore performance of partition model analysis.
  • Support direct translation of coding sequences into amino-acid (-st NT2AA option).
  • Adjust per-partition state frequencies for partition model such that the log-likelihoods are fully comparable with RAxML.
  • Print sequence identity scores along the tree (-wsi option).
  • Fix slow convergence of partition model parameter estimation with many partitions.
  • Fix memory allocation for large mixture models.
Download version 1.3.3 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.3.2

Jun 11, 2015 Release

We are pleased to announce version 1.3.2 with substantial improvements:

  • Memory requirement reduced by a factor of 3 (for example, from 60 GB down to 20 GB)
  • Increased performance of multicore version.
  • Increased performance of edge-linked partition models.
  • 32-bit version is available.
Download version 1.3.2 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.3.1

May 27, 2015 Release

  • Fixes a bug in rate optimization for edge-linked partition model (-spp option)
Download version 1.3.1 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.3.0

May 20, 2015 Release

We are pleased to announce version 1.3.0 with following major updates:

  • Support for ClustalW and MSF alignment file formats and RAxML-styled partition file format.
  • With Lars Jermiin group we developed a new model selection strategy, which is invoked via option -m TESTNEW or -m TESTNEWONLY. Among others, it uses the FreeRate model (Yang, 1995; Soubrier et al., 2012) as replacement for the problematic I+G model. FreeRate model is also implemented in PhyML and BEAST 2.
  • Improved codon model implementation, which is more compatible with codonPhyML, e.g. including models of (Kosiol et al., 2007).
  • Codon model selection now allows up to 60 codon models to be tested!
  • Improved support for mixture models.
  • Accepting two new amino-acids: U (Selenocysteine; treated as unknown character) and J (I or L).
  • Several bug fixes, including a bug in FreeRate model optimization found and fixed by Thomas Wong and Lars Jermiin.
Download version 1.3.0 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.2.3

Apr 8, 2015 Release

  • Several bug fixes in codon model implementation.
  • Minor bug fix in +I model rate normalization.
  • Fix assertion assert(new_tree_lh >= tree_lh - 10.0).
  • Fix likelihood computation for binary, codon, morphological data.
  • Fix starting tree construction for binary, codon, morphological data.
  • Fix -m TEST option with standard bootstrap.
Download version 1.2.3 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.2.2

Mar 4, 2015 Release

  • New option -mset m1,...,mk to do model selection from a list of models.
  • Support for old Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard).
  • Bug fix: numerical issue with mtMAM model that unexpectedly stopped model selection.
  • Bug fix: +I+G likelihood computation did not account for partially constant sites properly.
  • Bug fix: optimization of branch lengths sometimes reduced tree likelihood (introduced in ver. 1.2.0).
Download version 1.2.2 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.2.1

Feb 17, 2015 Release

  • Fixes a bug introduced in ver. 1.2.0 causing incorrect SH-aLRT support values for large data sets.
Download version 1.2.1 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.2.0

Feb 10, 2015 Release

We are pleased to announce the major update 1.2.0 with following new features:

  • Supporting mixture models (C10,...,C60, EX2, EX3, EHO, UL2, UL3, EX_EHO, LG4M, LG4X, JTTCF4G).
  • User-defined mixture models via syntax (for example, "MIX{HKY,TN}+G") or via a nexus file. Have a look at file models.nex in the bin folder of the release version.
  • Joint and proportional partition models are now fully functional.
  • Automatical switching between SSE and AVX kernels depending on the current hardware. Thus, no separate executables are needed.
  • New option -fconst f1,...,fN to add a number of const patterns into alignment (N=#states)
  • Serveral bug fixes.
Download version 1.2.0 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.1.5

Dec 19, 2014 Release

  • Bug fix: Sometimes IQ-TREE enters an endless loop and will not stop.
  • Bug fix: when computing consensus tree from a partition analysis.
Download version 1.1.5 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.1.4

Dec 7, 2014 Release

  • Increasing max number of partitions to 512
  • Bug fix in -m TESTLINK option
  • Bug fix for +I model
  • Bug fix: Wrongly rounded protein model frequency in PLL
  • Bug fix for binary data
Download version 1.1.4 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.1.3

Nov 5, 2014 Release

  • Support FreeRate model for site rate heterogeneity (Experimental).
  • Added -mset option to restrict model selection to models supported by RAxML (-mset raxml), MrBayes (-mset mrbayes), or Phyml/PartitionFinder (-mset phyml, -mset partitionfinder).
  • Fix bug concerning removal of identical sequences.
  • Fix bug concerning +I model (+G and +I+G were not affected).
Download version 1.1.3 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.1.0

Oct 23, 2014 Release

We are pleased to release the major update 1.1 with the following new enhancements:

  • Under-the-hood code optimization for the default likelihood kernel, which gives a speedup up to 5X for DNA and 10X for protein alignments.
  • Support for Windows platforms and support GCC, Clang, MS Visual C++ and Intel C++ compilers.
  • Automatical handling of identical sequences in the alignment (no warnings about identical sequences anymore).
  • Bootstrap and tree search stopping rule combined for more accurate results.
  • Several bugs fixed.
Download version 1.1.0 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.0.1

Aug 29, 2014 Release

Patch version 1.0.1 fixes a bug where sometimes you saw on the screen ERROR / POSSIBLE BUG: logl=XXX < YYY Download version 1.0.1 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 1.0.0

Jul 28, 2014 Release

We are happy to announce the major release of IQ-TREE software version 1.0.0 with the following news:

  • Integration of the phylogenetic likelihood library for fast likelihood computation. This is enabled via -pll option and gives a speedup of 2X to 8X.
  • A novel fast and effective stochastic algorithm for estimating maximum likelihood phylogenies. It outperforms RAxML and PhyML in terms of log-likelihoods while requiring similar amount of computing time. A manuscript describing the new method was submitted.
  • NEW MODELS: codon models and ascertainment bias correction model for morphological or single-nucleotide-polymorphism (SNP) data.
  • Nearest neighbor interchange with five branch optimization (-nni5) is now the default option because of its higher accuracy.
  • SH-aLRT branch test also works now for partition models.
Download version 1.0.0 from GitHub

IQ-TREE version 0.9.6

Oct 20, 2013 Release

Beta version 0.9.6 and earlier versions:

  • Ultrafast (partition) model selection for phylogenomic alignments.
  • Higher accuracy in tree reconstruction and bootstrap with more thorough nearest neighbor interchange enabled via -nni5 option (optimizing 5 branches around NNI). This comes at the trade-off of c.a. 2X longer running time.
  • Introduction of joint and proportional partition models to reduce the number of parameters in case of model overfitting (EXPERIMENTAL)
  • Introduction of gene-resampling and gene-and-site resampling for the bootstrap on multi-gene alignments.
  • Introduction of epsilon for ultrafast bootstrap: trees similar RELL log-likelihoods will be chosen at random to break tie. This helps to reduce over-optimistic supports in case of polytomies.
  • Tree topology tests (BP,KH,SH,ELW,WKH, and WSH tests via RELL method).
  • Partition models.
  • Parallel OpenMP version for multi-core CPUs.
  • New implementation of model selection that works for DNA, amino-acid, and binary models.
Download version 0.9.6 from GitHub