A fast search algorithm (Nguyen et al., 2015) to infer phylogenetic trees by maximum likelihood. IQ-TREE compares favorably to RAxML and PhyML.
ModelFinder (Kalyaanamoorthy et al., 2017) is 10 to 100 times faster than jModelTest and ProtTest. It also finds best-fit partitioning scheme like PartitionFinder.
UFBoot (Minh et al., 2013) provides approximately unbiased branch support values and runs 100X faster than nonparametric bootstrap and 10 to 40 times faster than RAxML rapid bootstrap.
AliSim (Ly-Trong et al., 2023) allows to quickly simulate multiple sequence alignments under more realistic models than Seq-Gen and INDELible.
All common substitution models for DNA, protein, codon, binary and morphological data with rate heterogeneity among sites.
Phylogenomic partition models allowing for mixed data types, mixed rate heterogeneity types, linked or unlinked branch lengths.
Mixture models such as empirical protein mixture models and customizable mixture models.
Latest release 2.4.0 (February 7, 2025)
IQ-TREE version 1.6.12 (August 15, 2019)